Today you should do the following:

  1. Complete the Weekly Study Schedule Worksheet to help you with time management for this course.
  2. Watch the videos for Day 1 and complete the quick quizzes.
  3. Make sure you know the structure of the IELTS test. You also need to know which version of IELTS you are doing (General or Academic) and which format (Paper-Based or Computer-Delivered).
  4. Work on your vocabulary as follows: Visit the AWL 570 Word list tool and review AWL list 1 and try the Test Yourself activity. After that you can view (and practice) vocabulary from list 2, 3 & 4.
  5. Complete the Vocabulary AWL List below (by downloading the Word Doc) for the 20 most common words in AWL List 1.
  6. Download the Vocabulary Log Word Doc and start adding any vocabulary you learn during this course to this log*.

*Vocabulary is a key part of IELTS success. You should keep adding to your new vocabulary log throughout this online course. If you can accurately use powerful vocabulary in your speaking and writing tests, your score will shoot up.

It's great that you have made a start. You can do this!

Vocabulary AWL List 1-.pdf
Vocabulary Log.pdf
Complete and Continue